Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bow Tie Club

A couple of weeks ago we attended a UMKC OBGYN Bow Tie Club lunch. Apparently this was started by a former Dr. who passed away during Chris' first year. He wore a bow tie every day for work. Most of the guys in this picture are wearing this Doctors old bow ties given out at his funeral. Unfortunately Chris never really got to know this man and was unable to attend the funeral so we were on our own finding a bow tie for this event. We searched everywhere, and the only place we found a bow tie you had to tie yourself was at Mens Warehouse and there was no way I was going to pay 40 dollars for something Chris was not going to wear that often. Heck who am I kidding I don't like to even pay more than 10 dollars for a regular tie. After seeing the tie at Mens Warehouse I thought it can't be that hard to make myself. So after buying a pattern on sale for 99 cents and some material for less than two bucks with plenty left over, Chris had his own unique bow tie for a lot less than 40 dollars. I think it turned out pretty good and now our cute Ty keeps asking when I am going to make his bow tie.

At the beginning of the meeting they passed out this paper explaining the Bow Tie Club. I thought it was funny so I thought I should share.

Whereas male residents in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Missouri Kansas City constitute a minority of residents in the Department and Whereas it is established public policy that all minority groups need special assistance, therefore By these presents is established


The purposes of the Bow Tie Club shall be:
  1. To raise the self esteem of the male residents in the Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Missouri Kansas city
  2. To improve the sartorial standards of the Department.
  3. To promote camaraderie and fellowship within the Department.

Membership shall be limited to male members of the Department who can tie a bow tie.

  1. Attendance- All males attending meetings must be attired in a coat and self tied bow tie. All females attending meetings must be accompanied by a male attired in a coat and a self tied bow tie. All residents, faculty, and alumni are eligible to attend meetings if appropriately attired or accompanied.
  2. Schedule- Meetings will be held irregularly.
Bylaws, Officers, Dues, Duties

Never trust a surgeon who clips on his bow tie

Monday, April 20, 2009

Greek Easter

Yesterday the Kalakis side of the family celebrated Greek Easter. Growing up I always looked forward to the fun party at George's house including the lamb roasting on the spit in the backyard and more great greek food. I decided that I didn't want to miss out on my favorites so our little family made our own Greek Easter meal. Unfortunately we didn't get our lamb but we made the next best thing, Souvlaki and it would not be Greek Easter if you didn't have dolmothes (stuffed grape leaves) and spanicopita (spinach turnovers). We were in heaven. I even stayed up late the night before making Greek easter bread (the best sweet bread ever) so we could eat that for breakfast. It was a great day of great food. Even though we missed the party in Utah we were still able to enjoy our family tradition with great food.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

33 Weeks

I have had a couple of requests for the lovely belly shot. So here I am at 33 weeks. I am feeling great other than the fact that It is getting more and more difficult to bend over or breath and when I stand up I look, and walk like an old lady for just a moment but everything seems to be good. I finally have my heartburn under control after switching medication and I only deal with carpel tunnel when I am on the computer or sewing a lot. I had a doctors appointment a few weeks ago and the Dr. had me get another sonogram because he felt like I haven't been gaining enough weight. I was not worried because I am just following the same pattern as I did with Ty and Lucy. Loose a bunch of weight at the beginning then slowly gain until about this time then gain like I should my body is kind of crazy but I'm not complaining. The baby is growing like she should, and I will just have another small baby like the other two. That doesn't hurt my feelings at all...I like small babies.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!!!
Yesterday morning we woke up to Ty's little feet running up and down the hall telling us everything the Easter bunny left us. Finally we had to tell Ty that he needed to wait for Lucy to wake up. That didn't go over the greatest, But Lucy soon woke up and everything was okay again.

Here are the kiddos and Aunt Robyn with there baskets from the Easter bunny.

We ate a quick breakfast then off to get ready for 10:00 church. We had Stake conference which I thought was a crazy day to have a stake Conference but found out that Pres. Monsen was presiding via satellite so that made for a great Easter service. What a treat to be able to hear the Prophet speak to you on such a special holiday.
After conference was over we headed home for some lunch and nap time. It was a cloudy day and we all were able to take a nap, in my
eyes that is a great way to spend a holiday if you are away from family nice and quiet. After naps we had our Easter dinner with spiral ham (for our ham snob) funeral potatoes and rolls. And to top it all off Strawberry Shortcake (my favorite) for dessert What a great day to spend with our little family and reflect on the wonderful gift from our Savior.