Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Morning

Align CenterChristmas Morning started with Ty trying to wake up at three an was quickly sent back to bed for a few hours (much easier to do this year than it was last year) The girls finally woke up at about 7:30 and the excitement started!!

Santa Came and Ty and Lucy got what they most wanted!

Ty wanted the Harry Potter 3 movie. He got an awesome box set with a bunch of extras!
Align Center

Lucy got an "American Girl" doll
She thinks that any 18 inch doll is an American Girl
This helps Santa's pocket book and makes for a pretty excited little Lucy!

Miss Annie was pretty easy to please. She got and orange in her stocking and would have been completely happy the rest of the day. we convinced her to open some presents and she loves her new "D" (dolly)

We had a nice relaxing day spent in our PJ's because we had nowhere to be but with our little family.We played the Wii that Santa Got for the family we had marshmallow wars with the guns that Uncle Jared bought the kids (there's nothing better than shooting your kiddos with marshmallows Christmas morning just ask Chris and I) Then at about 5 We headed to see the Christmas light display at Longview lake (still in pj's) a tradition that has now come to an end. We then came home to make our traditional Rasmussen Steak dinner (usually on Christmas Eve but Chris was working so we tweaked things a bit)
Soon after our dinner I heard a crash and then a scream. This is what I found

Apparently, Miss Annie needed a sixth candy cane off the tree and somehow knocked it over. Luckily she was not hurt. I guess Christmas is over! The tree is down and the decorations will be put away tomorrow...and surprisingly I'm okay with that!
(I usually wait until after New Years)
On to the New year!!! We have a lot to look forward to!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Chris had to work until midnight. Our good friends invited me and the kiddos to go caroling with a few other families at a care center. Yes Lucy is wearing her princess dress and tiara not my choice of outfit but I was not in the mood to argue after all it was Christmas! The kids enjoyed about one song then were ready to go. They lasted about half way through the caroling and soon all three kiddos were out in the foyer where I could mostly see them while we finished singing with the old folks.

Annie got a hold of my camera and they entertained themselves. These are the pictures I found

A bunch of goofy kiddos!
After the Care Center we headed back to the Truman's for treats then headed home to get ready for Santa!
We got our Christmas PJ's on, Sprinkled Christmas dust so the reindeer could find our house, set out milk and cookies for Santa, read a Christmas story and tucked into bed to dream of what Santa would bring!

(They were so excited and wound up this was the best picture I could get)