Wednesday, August 27, 2008


There are a few things about being an OBGYN's wife that make me laugh and I thought I would share.
1. My house is filled with "light reading" about the female anatomy. (It apparently makes for good bathroom reading:)
2. We got a package in the mail a few weeks ago for Chris and I asked him what it was. His reply..."Oh I think it is my uterus" (I didn't know you could mail order a uterus now days)
3. My little Ty and his imagination found the mail order uterus and decides, it is now his parrot while he plays pirates.
4. The reps. that sent the uterus sent one more a week later. I didn't even open the package, I placed the box and the "parrot" where Chris could take it to the clinic where it belongs the next day.
5. There are still two uterus models in the back seat of Chris' car. (makes for good conversation when you are taking a counselor from Relief Society home)
6. I love the stories about deliveries. My favorite was when Chris delivered a 24 week baby and had to catch it football style as it was flying over his right shoulder. (That still makes me laugh)

I'm constantly asked how I feel about being an OBGYN's wife. Honestly I think it is pretty cool, he gets see new life come into this world just about every day. What could be better?

(Maybe to be done with residency but that will come. )

Friday, August 22, 2008

Imperfect cookies

I love the look of imperfect cookies. It tells me sweet little helping hands did the work with me. Ty has been wanting to make "the cookies that you roll out" for weeks, so I finally made the time to do it. Sometimes being a busy mom trying to keep up with the house, paying bills, church callings, and other things; I forget how precious time spent not worrying about those things and spending time making a mess with my kiddos really is. I love to watch Ty master the skill of rolling out dough then using his imagination while using the cookie cutters. I love to see Lucy watch her big brother and try to imitate everything he has done. Such a simple thing that really didn't take that much time. I enjoyed every minute of that time we were making a mess and was reminded again that it is okay to put off making a phone call or doing laundry so I could watch my kiddos be kids and join in for a moment forgetting every thing that needed to be done.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Painting, painting and more painting


I know I posted about putting my in-laws to work while they were here on vacation. I am very thankful they were here to start a project that we have been putting off for a long time. They just lit the fire under our rears to get started. After we had the living room, kitchen, and hallway painted, we decided why stop now. I have had so many projects to paint and never had the motivation to actually paint them until the last week or so. I painted a dresser I bought for Lucy's room over a year ago, an entertainment given to us by the Shelley's before they moved back in March and finally decided to get guttsy and paint our mantel over the fireplace. It is so fun and I am amazed at what a new coat of paint can do to anything.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cook Family

This past week we have enjoyed Chris' Mom, Dad, and sister Robyn. Robyn came to live with us because she will be starting law school at UMKC. After a long trip for the three they finally made it to Missouri last Sunday. We have had plenty of time to enjoy each other. We even put them to work and finally painted our living room hallway and kitchen. We were able to see alot of church history finishing the week off with a small trip to Navoo. We are so glad we had plenty of time with Grandma and Grandpa Cook and are excited to have Robyn stay with us.

Our little family at the Navoo temple

Aunt Robyn and Lucy enjoying the Mississipi

The beautiful sunset we enjoyed on the drive home. Made us kindof miss Iowa.