The kids started their Halloween festivities on Thursday where they dressed up for a preschool party. Then on Friday We had our ward trunk-or -treat where we froze our tushes off it was so cold and windy. Seriously, I think the ward party lasted a little over an hour before everyone headed home. We ate chili that cooled off as soon as we got there and had the trunk-or-treat soon after. It was still fun and amazingly there was a pretty good turn out. After we went to the trunk-or-treat we headed home to carve our pumpkins. Ty and Lucy were grossed out by the pumpkin guts and wanted nothing to do with cleaning it out. Lucy just kept saying it's digusting! I finally got some tongs so they could work on cleaning theirs while Chris and I worked on ours. Sadly enough I didn't take pictures of the final masterpieces. But I was pretty impressed with Ty because he created a ninja turtle pumpkin. This kid is seriously artistic for a five year old.
The next night was the night of Halloween ( insert scary music here) The kids have been dying to go trick-or-treating so you can imagine the excitement when it was time to go...hence the crazy pictures. We lucked out and had wonderful weather, far better than the night before. We just needed sweatshirts and we were off. We even bundled Annie up and put her tutu on with a cute skeleton onesie over her thick warm jammies It kind of reminded Chris of a Christmas Story..."I can't put my arms down!" But never the less she looked adorable....They all looked adorable! Lucy was so excited to trick-or-treating, she literally ran to each house and actually wore Ty out. It was fun to be able to watch the kiddos from the street and not have to go up with them unless it was a scary house. We had a good night or I guess I should say weekend
we are ready to go
Miss Blue eyes herself
cute costumes!
such cute goblins glad you had such fun on halloween love grandma kay
I love their costumes! They are so cute and adorable! I am glad that you had a wonderful Halloween.
I love the picture with the kids. So cute!!
Looks like you had a great Halloween. What a great looking group of kiddios!
Happy Halloween!
I love it! I totally love that Ty is a stinkin' cute! We sure miss you guys! When are you coming to visit? (HINT HINT) Thank goodness for facebook and blogspot huh?!
Happy Birthday TY! I forgot him and Melanie shared the same Birthday!
Fun to catch up on your cute family!
I can't believe how blue Annie's eyes are!
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