Sunday, March 13, 2011


Was my last post really in December?!!! So much has been going on like Chris being on a seven week night rotation but that is seven weeks.... what happened to the rest of the time? That is a good question... there is really no answer for it... so here is my attempt to update the last three months! Let's go backwards shal we?
Saturday we went to the St. Patrick's day Parade here in Lees Summit. It was kind-of a bitter sweet day because this is the last time we will be going to this parade. After four years of parades, it's kind-of sad to think of this being our last.

Eating lunch while waiting for the parade

clapping in hopes of candy!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Good to see you blogging.
Hope to see more.
Sorry we missed you in Utah, we're here right now, we might've just missed each other.
we're only here for 4 days as well then heading downt o Moab.
Should be tons of fun.
Lov eyou guys.